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Becoming a leader in the environment you’re already in.

Neeraj Bhagat

You don't need to switch jobs, move cities, or make any major life changes to step into your leadership role. Whether or not you’re in a position of authority, you can lead by analyzing what the system needs. This could include recognizing the changes needed to be addressed within your own life or altering a current system in the workplace to advance your business.

You don’t always need to leave the room you’re in to step into a leadership position (or possibly you cannot). You can stay in your current environment and ask yourself, “how can the strengths and skills I possess be of service to the room I’m in?

A personal in positional authority (aka “a boss”) can keep the system running the way it is.

A leader, on the other hand, is well suited to handle situations while circumstances change. If there’s nothing wrong with a system, someone managing could be just fine. However, the reality of the ever-changing world we live in displays a demand for leaders, not managers. We live in a volatile and complex time, where there is a constant need for effective, capable leaders to navigate the uncertainty before us. Anyone can navigate calm waters, but a true leader can utilize their tools and skills to guide the group in the roughest of waters.

Want to learn more or just chat about this? Contact Coach Neeraj.


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