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The Individual vs. The Collective

Neeraj Bhagat

I’m not authorized to suggest how we should handle this global virus, racism, or even police tactics. Instead, I can offer what I view through my lens as a leadership coach: the mindset. As a society, we have, for so long, valued “the individual:” individual freedoms and individual success.

The current events of 2020 have shown us— it’s not enough to just take care of ourselves.

This virus as truly opened our eyes to to the essential revelation that we need to be mindful of how we operate as a collective. My very actions have a direct impact on other people. Think about something so seemingly mundane as your presence in a grocery store. We now wear masks, we walk one way down store aisles, we maintain appropriate social distances. My breathing alone could impact somebody’s entire life, should I be asymptomatically carrying the virus.

In regards to the racial outcry in the US, the awakening can be applied here too. A larger population of people are being attentive to the needs of a group beyond just themselves, from a systematic lens.

The big “take-away” here is: the collective and the individual are always co-existing.

Transition to the next level of consciousness may not be easy, but I encourage you to start local. Take a greater responsibility for the people around you and keep in mind this idea of the collective thriving alongside of individual success. While the tragedies that came along with the events of 2020 are undeniable, this awakening is something to be acknowledged and even celebrated.

For more: check out my "Porch Talk" video called: The Rise of Collective Consciousness.


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