I can confidently tell you this: in life the only thing that will always be certain is uncertainty. In the present pandemic we are facing, this experience of feeling uncertain has fallen upon us all simultaneously. When there’s no precise solution to the problem is in front of us, what can we do to control the situation? Well, that’s just it. We can’t control it...
What I’m proposing instead, is that you change your way of thinking about uncertainty. This, in turn, will change your relationship with the unknown.
Let’s look at uncertainty in a different scenario— the morning of your birthday as a child. Think about that energy. You woke up excited. You did not know for sure what the day would bring, but you knew surprises were coming — good surprises! You approached each moment of your day with curiosity and enthusiasm about the unknown events life may throw at you that day. We love surprises when they’re good ones, but we need to change the way we engage with unforeseeable experiences, both when it is favorable and even more importantly when it is unfavorable.
A helpful way to think about uncertainty is to understand it as an opportunity.
Uncertainty says, whatever I’m throwing your way, this is all of service to you. It contributes to you becoming a better person, a better life on this planet, and having a better experience of life on this planet. You will never wake up knowing exactly what’s in store on any given day, but you can look forward to these surprises that come your way with confidence that knowing you are equip to manage it all, and you will grow from undergoing this.
Go into life like everyday’s your birthday.
There will always be surprises. Re-work your brain to view them in a positive light, because all of these experiences you encounter will contribute to bettering your experience here as a person, and consequently as a leader. Everything we go through is meant to teach us something valuable. How you choose react to these situations, and what you choose to take away from them are the defining factors that will separate you from the rest, and accelerate your own personal growth. Let yourself flourish! Do not be fearful of the unknown, be curious.